Starting September 2019, attorney Ewa Benikas of our firm provides legal support on the part of the Contract Engineer Euroconsult Polska sp. z o.o. on the road contract implemented by the Polish General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways as part of the construction of the S5 Radomicko – Leszno road ( for the task “Design and construction of the S5 road Poznań – Wrocław, section Kościan Południe – Radomicko” with a value exceeding PLN 324,000,000.
The task includes the implementation of the S5 Poznań – Wrocław road section Radomicko – Kaczkowo, Stage I Radomicko – Leszno South. Construction of an expressway section with a length of 19.14 km with a 2×2 section (two roadways with two lanes each) with an extended dividing lane, which takes into account the possibility of adding a third lane for each road, i.e. ultimately obtaining a 2×3 section. The above section is a fragment of the S5 Poznań – Wrocław expressway. The investment is located in the Greater Poland Voivodship, in the Leszno region and runs in the areas of the communes of Lipno, Święciechowa and the city of Leszno.